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【心得】 上班族自修一戰322心得 V154 Q168 AW3.5

· 16 min read
Yan-Ying Liao


  • 考試成績:322 (V154 Q168) AWA 3.5
  • 考試地點:American International Education Foundation(美國教育基金會) (STN11496A)
  • 準備時間:2021.01-2021.07
  • 背景:成大會計/上班族
  • 英文程度:學測14級、多益915
  • 準備教材:
    • 綜合:
      1. Mason教材
      2. Youtube - Greg Mat
    • 單字:
      1. Magoosh Vocabulary (Common+Basic) + Magoosh GRE Vocabs App(推)
      2. Mason 1000 + Mason 2000 + Quizlet(大推)
      3. 自建單字表
    • 閱讀:
      1. 巍哥1100題填空(大推)
      2. 老肖250題閱讀(大推)
    • 數學:
      1. Magoosh GRE Math Flashcards
      2. 猴哥難題112題(推)
      3. 巍哥數學機經200題(大推)
      4. 數學最新回憶版機經330題(不推)
    • 寫作:
      1. Youtube - Greg Mat(大推)
    • 模考:
      1. Official Guide(推)
      2. POWERPREP® Online 1&2(大推)
      3. Manhattan Free Practice Test(推)






建議可以先看Greg Mat的影片大致走過一遍GRE的考題,內容實用聲音好聽👍


  • 單字部分一開始先背Magoosh的Common,它有網頁版跟手機App,利用通勤停紅燈及瑣碎的時間背完一次。
  • 之後開始看Mason的單字,主要是使用Quizlet背,也是使用通勤或返鄉坐火車的時間背,沒事做就是拿出手機背單字。
  • 大體來說Mason > Magoosh,Mason列的單字還是完整一點,2000單有背完,至少在作答時不會連題目跟答案都看不懂。
  • 考前一週建議把Mason 1000再重頭複習一次。


我作答的順序選擇:單選 ➡ 二空格 ➡ 短閱讀 ➡ 三空格 ➡ 長閱讀。

因為最後成績也沒有很好,就不寫太多了,基本上以題海戰術練習,巍哥1100題填空及老肖250題閱讀全部寫完,題目拿去Google考滿分網站上面會有討論及詳解,檢討時會把看到不會的單字記錄到Excel上,考前一週有花點時間再複習這份自製的單字表,但後來覺得應該複習Mason 1000單就好,因為看了自己的單字表,導致1000單沒有全部複習完。




  • 初期準備
    1. Magoosh GRE Math Flashcards:用來複習國中數學,並看國中數學英文版會怎麼出。
    2. 讀Mason數學講義,背附件數學單字,Quizlet上有好心人整理好的。
    3. Mason講義10回Q模擬考:每個禮拜寫一回練手感,約一兩個月寫完。
  • 中期準備
    1. 猴哥難題112題(推):意識到好像該練多一點Q,花了幾天寫完。
  • 後期準備
    1. 數學最新回憶版機經330題(不推):中國考生的回憶機經中文版,雖然個人有全部寫完,但覺得裡面題目實在太偏,幾乎一半以上都是排列組合,如果想練習排列組合這套就非常合適,我實際考試時沒被考到排列組合就是了,若以我寫過的幾套題目比較,這套機經是最難的。
    2. 巍哥數學機經200題(大推):考前幾個禮拜,每天計時寫一回,難度覺得跟實際考試滿接近的。




  1. 看Greg Mat的寫作影片
  2. 背影片中的模版
  3. 以模版練習幾篇

Argument Essay 模版

  • Introduction
    1. Rephrase main conclusion from argument
    2. Identify author's evidence and/or premises
    3. Thesis (follow the specific task instructions)
  • Body Paragraph (three of them)
    1. First supporting idea (make sure to follow specific task instructions)
    2. Example 1 (make sure to use 'maybe' language)
    3. Example 2 (make sure to use 'maybe' language)
    4. Effect of author's conclusion if examples prove true
  • Conclusion
    1. Statement that argument, as it stands now, is flawed
    2. Request for more evidence
    3. Statement of how evidence will help evaluate the argument more effectively.

Issue Essay 模版

  • Introduction

    • Hook (generalization, anecdote, interesting fact, trend, quote, etc.)
      • Introduce the topic (nothing more). Don't write your thesis or supporting ideas!
    • Shift to prompt
      • Makes your essay more cohesive; an abrupt shift to your thesis is awkward
    • Thesis (most important part of the essay, by far)
      • This baby is the boss that controls everything
    • Outline (Tell your reader how you're going to structure your essay)
      • Doesn't have to be overly detailed
  • Body Paragraphs

    • Topic sentences that introduces supporting ideas
      • That is imperative that this introduce the overall idea of the paragraph and that it supports your thesis.
    • Example
      • You need a good example here, preferably from history, politics, economics, etc. If not possible, think of a good hypothetical. I don't want to hear about Uncle Bob.
    • Development/Explanation
      • You need to develop this idea. You need to explain how your supporting idea connects to your thesis. You need to explain why this matters.
  • Conclusion

    • (strong thesis) Introduce a counterpoint that someone from the other side might use to argue against your position
    • Shut down that counterpoint and explain how it doesn't apply and doesn't hold water
    • Rephrase thesis and wrap this baby up
    • (moderate thesis) Explain how this issue is very complex and that there are no easy answers.

Argument Essay 各段例句

以下為Greg Mat多部影片講解Argument文章時所使用的例句整理。

  • Introduction
    1. Rephrase main conclusion from argument
      • In the meme, xxx concludes that xxx
    2. Identify author's evidence and/or premises
      • However, while the conclusion drawn by the xx might hold water, it rests on several unfounded assumptions that, if not substantiated, dramatically weaken the persuasiveness of the argument.
      • However, the author supports his conclusion with three assumptions that, if not substantiated, dramatically weaken the persuasiveness of the argument.
    3. Thesis (follow the specific task instructions)
      • Thus, the following three questions must be addressed.
  • Body Paragraph (First, Second, Finally)
    1. First supporting idea (make sure to follow specific task instructions)
      • do ...
      • was ...
      • If xxx, will...
    2. Example 1 (make sure to use 'maybe' language)
    3. Example 2 (make sure to use 'maybe' language)
      • It is possible that
      • It is also possible that
      • There is the potential that
    4. Effect of author's conclusion if examples prove true
      • If either of these scenarios has merit, then conclusion drawn in the original argument is significantly weakened.
      • If the above is true, then the argument does not hold water.
      • If either of these scenarios proves true, then the assertion of the xxx is significantly hampered.
      • If this is the case, then the xxx should instead conduct a survey of those who xxx, not xxx. Doing so would substantially increase the credibility of the argument.
      • If it is true that ..., then ignoring ... might not be in the best interests of ... and the contention from the xxx could actually do more damage to the xxx
      • If either of these scenarios is true, then the author’s contention that xxx does not hold water.
  • Conclusion
    1. Statement that argument, as it stands now, is flawed
      • In conclusion, the argument, as it stands now, is considerably flawed due to its reliance on several unwarranted assumptions.
      • In conclusion, while xxx may have come to a sound conclusion regarding xxx, more data is needed before a firm conclusion is reached.
    2. Request for more evidence
      • More data is needed before a firm conclusion is reached.
    3. Statement of how evidence will help evaluate the argument more
      • If the xxx answers the above three questions, it will be possible to fully evaluate the validity of the argument.
      • If the author is able to answer the three questions above and offer more evidence (perhaps in the form of a systematic research study), then it will be possible to fully evaluate the viability of the proposed recommendation to ...


  • 報名考試後,ETS網站會送免費的模考(POWERPREP® Online 1&2),可以事先熟悉實際考試的介面,建議考前一定要做。


Offical Guide後附模考 1152167319
Offical Guide後附模考 2154167321
POWERPREP® Online 1153166319
POWERPREP® Online 1158167325
Manhattan Free Practice Test 1156166322










我的考場是美國教育基金會,到考場時確認身份時,考場人員發現我的名字是錯誤的,因為我註冊時First Name只有填名字的第一個字,當時註冊頁面有Middle Name的欄位,我很蠢的以為名字的第二個字是填這裡,總之最後考場人員很好的還是讓我進去考試,但有跟我說結束後一定要跟ETS說要改名,很感謝考場人員讓我考,本來還很擔心報名費是不是要打水漂了QAQ。


