Add-In Ribbon
There are over 100 buttons you can use in this tick mark tab.
There are over 100 buttons you can use in this tick mark tab.
Add a PBC textbox to the worksheet.
Change the selection's font name, including "Arial", "Book Antiqua", "Calibri", "標楷體", "微軟正黑體", "新細明體"
Some familiar marks you might use.
1 to 10 Roman Numberals
Select a range to draw a down arrow.
Select a range to draw a right arrow.
Select a cell to add a connecting arrow and a textbox to the corner.
Select a range to draw an arrow connecting with multiple lines in the corner.
Open the calendar pane, add a checkbox to the selected cell, the bottom double line, and the format with a thousands separator.
5 fill colors and one button to remove fill color.
Create two boxes pointing to each other.
Select a range to draw an entry brace.
Insert a narrow column to let you put some marks.
Create boxes linked with hyperlinks to the corner of both selected cells.
Build hyperlinks on both of the selected cells and remove the default hyperlink format.
To set up your name, go to File > Options > General > User name.
For in-charge, manager or partner to review the working paper.
900 motivated quotes I collected from Reddit, fb/the idealist and other internet sources.
Donations would be more than welcome :)
If you've bought me a cup of coffee, I could customize one or two buttons which open a task pane containing your favorite quotes or even a picture in Excel for you in return.
Feel free to fill in a form. https://goo.gl/forms/Wkg8mv5NmmTiEvjs2
My Email address is n9102125@gmail.com
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!